Thursday, August 24, 2006

Perfect Pregnancy Workout Review

The Perfect Pregnanacy Workout

What type of workout is this? Weightlifting, Strength training. It shows beginner, intermediate and advanced for all exercises that can be modified.

Who is the instructor? Her name is Kayrn Steben . She is a acrobat for a Cirque du Soleil company.

What you like about it? I love that this is a challenging workout! She covers your legs really well, My legs sould be totally tone when this baby comes! baby And she covers your arms equally as well. I love that she shows you beginner and advanced of the exercises. I am stronger in my arms then my legs, so I can do the advanced in what I am strong in and the beginner in my weak areas! thumbs up I also love that she incorporates Kegals in the workout. Which is so important but hard at times to remember to do. I think this is a wonderful workout! Sould continue to be a challenge through the whole pregnancy. And she shows you how to still do sit ups, without being flat on your back!

What you don't like about it? At the beginning there is a intro that is very unmodest but you can't just click past it. You can fast forward it though. She isn't modest and doesn't have a speck of fat on her anywhere! roflol But I think that comes from being an acrobat. I can't think of anything I don't like about the actual workout.

Modesty Factor- She is not modest at all. It's just one girl. And she wears a bra type shirt and exercise shorts. I have the guys leave the room and do other things during it. I feel the workout is so great it's worth doing dispite the unmodest clothing.

What type of music is played? Pretty non-discript. You can hear a sample at the link provided. During the warm up and cool down it is calming and during the rest it is upbeat.

Where did you find this dvd/video? How long ago? Was it worth the price paid?
I bought it from amazon for $25.00. August 2006, Yes definetely. I would probalby buy it from there site directly (for $19.99) but had other purchases at amazon and got free shipping.


  1. Sounds like a GREAT video!!!! I love reading about what you're doing health-wise even during your pregnancy. :)

  2. Thanks for your sweet words Marineswife!


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