Monday, June 9, 2008

How do I wear My Babies???

Steph at Adventures in Babywearing wanted us to show all the ways we have to wear our baby.

I have a high quality backpack/hiking carrier that I When they are toddlers and cranky! And I got it for $25.00 at a rummage sale!!!
Then I have a padded sling and 2 wraps (like a moby) I made all but the back pack carrier.

Plus I also made Elizabeth Lee's Jacket. While it is way to big! (I made it when I was 200+ pounds it's great for keeping baby and mom warm.
Here's a close up of the panel.

I love the quick use of the sling. And most of my babies slept through all shopping like a breeze in it Until I had prairie baby. He much prefers the wrap.  I have instructions on my blog on how to make both types if you search!
Sorry this is late Steph!

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