Thursday, May 18, 2006

Heart Health Test

Tip for the Day! :heart:

:heart: Self-Test for your Heart's Health :heart:

Women with no heart disease symptons who had below-average stamina on a treadmill or whose heart rate dropped more slowly than average after exercising were 13 times more likely to die of heart problems than those who were above average on either measure. a 20 year study of nearly 3,000 women, average ate 47, found. You can safely test your own heart rate recovery if you have no heart disease risk factors or symptons. Here's how: Exercise very strenously until your heart rate reaches its peak, then stop and immediately take your pulse again and compare the two number's. A difference of 55 or more beats per minute is ideal. Don't dispair if your score is below par, though; just get moving, says study author Samie Mora, MD. of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. "We found that even if a woman was overweight if she exercised regularly, she had a higher heart-rate recovery and exercise capacity than a woman who didn't.

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